You are right on track. Help us this year achieve success in self-finishing, please! I am floored that needlepoint shops are posting their Christmas deadlines are March 15! That is just crazy insane!! Makes me think, I have to do this myself or we need more finishers out there and accessible to us. Frankly, I enjoy stitching more than finishing.
And a fabulous year it will be! Loved reading this and feeling so motivated 💚
Love this!
glad to have you along for the ride! what are your finishing goals this year?
You are right on track. Help us this year achieve success in self-finishing, please! I am floored that needlepoint shops are posting their Christmas deadlines are March 15! That is just crazy insane!! Makes me think, I have to do this myself or we need more finishers out there and accessible to us. Frankly, I enjoy stitching more than finishing.